Monday, June 27, 2016

A Tale of Two Roller Skating Videos!

Hey all! We have a second roller skating video to add to the mix!  While filming about the bygone years of roller skating, inevitably 1970s sitcom The Facts of Life got brought up because youngest cast member Tootie was on skates the entire second season.  We completely lost our minds laughing at this after an already silly day and mood and we decided to SHAIR this semi-blooper video with you.  If you're into watching people laugh on camera and barely keep it together, this video is for you!  Here is that video:

And in case you missed it, here is our whole official post with both videos and photos from our Roller Prom experience.  And for fun, here is the first video on roller skating (where we're a little more focused):

Coming up we have some 4th of July fun for you, crazy song lyrics, and the weird political personalities that come out during election season!  Stay tuned and please subscribe/follow to all below!

Shannon + Blair= SHAIR
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Monday, June 20, 2016

Just Shair Celebrates the 1st Day of Summer!

Get that sunblock on the nose and look forward to some farmers tans, kiddies!  It's officially summer!  Just Shair has so graciously decided to help you celebrate in a non-white trash way donning winter coats and such at a half empty pool!  Here's how to have a kick-ass summer!

SHAIR your noodles in the pool.  No hogging them to yourself!
Test the pool water before diving in!
Never be afraid to cover any skin you don't want burned while sunbathing!
Drinking coffee at the pool is always ultra chic!
Suntanning is healthy and a chance to show off the most awesome beach fashions!
Make sure your friend doesn't have their cellphone in their pocket when you push them in...
Railings are for posing...not safety.
 Have a fabulous and terrific summer, and most importantly...follow us on all accounts (below) all season long for fun shenanigans SHAIRANIGANS, including themed posts and videos for the 4th of July and The Olympics!  Happy summer 2016!

Shannon + Blair= SHAIR
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OR email us at for questions, comments, or collaborations!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Roller Prom Video/Photos + Story (UPDATE: 2ND VIDEO!)

Video on the topic of roller skating:
2nd video on us losing it over Tootie from the Facts of Life being on skates:

Sometimes you're just at the right place at the right time.  We here at Just Shair have experienced this recently.  Immediately upon filming our video on roller skating, we looked up skating rinks to potentially host an adult roller skating night for our friends and for YOU, our beautiful audience, as you could see some bitchin' moves, skate techniques, and fashion at the roller rink here on this site to accompany our video.  Upon this fateful Google search, our immediate hit was something called Roll Denver, a monthly skating party for adults and it was within a week away.

These Cinderellas were ready for the ball!
One of Blair's other gigs is a fashion blogger, so naturally she had a skating brooch.

Sadly our friends, were "not ready for the ball".  They were either lame (boo), busy (a likely excuse), pregnant (we are still failing to see why that was a legitimate excuse in her mind...hmmmm), or "not in town."  Whatever.  Just Shair is a party wherever we go, and Roll Denver's Roller Prom was no exception!  

After eating our pre-prom dinner cuisine (Wendy's, because we're high rollers), we put on the finishing touches and used Lyft to get us a ride in a rainstorm (parking and then having to walk 1-10 blocks in the rain in prom dresses?  Ew).  There's a variety of reasons why we here at Just Shair prefer Lyft to Uber, but the bottom line is we're not into the idea of being raped or kidnapped or whatever.  Lyft believes in background checks and reviews, so hooray!

Well, our driver ALSO worked for Uber.  #redflag In fact, he was juggling multiple phones while driving (safe) and humble bragging (?) about how he works for both companies because he is "the guy that helps other people have fun but he can't have fun because he has bills to pay."  Mind you, he says this in a tone that it hoping to impressive two girls who were donning an 80s polka dot dress and a 70s prom dress who just announced they were going roller skating for their comedy site that was named for an agglomeration of their names to spoof the name of a famous one named singer.  We're unclear as to whether he was shaming us or just a weirdo.  (He laughed at the name, Just Shair, which was the one thing we liked about him).  The rest of the 10 minutes to the venue he would occasionally shout weird things like, "No, I can't!" and "Not right now!" to which we would awkwardly fall silent or say "What?  We um, didn't hear you," to which he would bark something about that he was talking to his phone and then proceeded to give us play by play updates about his phone shutting down or the uber number he recognized cancelled.  WTF.  

We finally show up at our destination, the Exdo Center, for a night of skating and naturally the handles to the car to let us exit were nowhere to be found.  After Blair fumbled in the dark for at least a minute, 'Smiles MgGee Lyft/Uber Driver' used half sentences to instruct where the handle was.  And then finally, Just Shair escaped the backseat and were let off on the curb into a stormy night, relived to being rained on as it felt we narrowly escaped a kidnapping.  Finally, it was time for fun!
Not kidnapped by a sketchy driver!  Yaaaaaaaay!
The uglier the skates, the more vintage and retro they are!
Shannon (the "Sh" in "Shair") was the roller skating pro...
Blair, (the "air" in "Shair") was not and sprained her wrist approximately 2 minutes after she stood up from this picture.
Do we look ready for a roller prom or what?
Obligatory prom couple photo!
We found our true calling modeling with disco beads!
We had a great time at Roll, minus Blair spraining her wrist on her first attempt to skate in the practice area (luckily the pain went away and the true nature of the injury became more obvious a day or two later).  We made friends with about a half a dozen prom kings and counted way too many basic bitches in their literal old prom dresses from the late 90s and early 2000s (worst era in fashion ever!).  And luckily our Lyft driver was way less sketch on the way back home!  (Spoiler alert: we're alive!)
So if you find yourselves out on a skating date, don't sprain your wrist and make sure you don't get kidnapped en route!  Otherwise it should be a mighty fine time!  And, if you missed the video at the top, here it is again!  Please subscribe, follow us on social media, and SHAIR our awesomeness with your world!
Video one:

Video two:

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