Thursday, May 19, 2016

Just Shair Shares Their Celebrity Crushes!

Celebrity crushes...we've all been there.  So let's reminisce and remember a time where we vividly believed we may in fact marry people that were uber famous and had never heard of us!  Watch the video above, or look below first for a preview of what you're in for potentially...

Which Shair member was crushed to learn his true sexual orientation?  (Spoiler alert: the girl in this photo is misleading!)
Check out these oh-so wonderful (and masculine!) 80s stars in all of their 80s glory:
 (The above photo is also on one of our weird Pinterest boards that we decided to do!)
Why the hell are we talking about cartoons?!?!
Which member of Shair found this overall clad heartthrob to be a total hottie?
One member of Shair had eyes for this feathered stud...and had to educate the other Shair member on who he was:

What do these two mullet donning macho mens have in common?

Which member of Shair fancied one of these hot chicks?
Um, why did we bring up Alex Trebek?

Next up we have thoughts on Roller Skating (what the hell happened to that "sport"?!), political personalities that manifest during election season, bizarre song lyrics, and more!  So follow us below to never miss a beat!  And don't forget to Shair these videos with your friends!
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